Yes I know that Ash Wednesday is over, but Odyssey Networks has just adapted one of my Ash Wednesday prayers for meditation. It appears on their mobile app Call On Faith and I thought that some of you might appreciate it.
Putting prayers like this to music with photos is a practice that I find very faith building. I am currently working on another Lenten video which I hope to share later in Lent. Perhaps it is a practice you would like to enter into during this Lenten season.
Love it. That’s going out to the congregation. THANKS!
They dd a beautiful job didn’t they? I love good collaboration like this
The only Shavuot/Pentecost day comes 50 days after the third day of
Pesach (Yom Hobbikurim as contained in God’s everlasting covenantal and therefore. holy Law. the Torah. It commemorates the giving of the Torah to Moses. and the Torah’s requirement, for all those who, through Jesus are grafted into the Covenant, to share in all things they possess with the “poor, the widows, the orphans and strangers.”
One cannot fully do those things without honoring God the Son, Jesus Christ, by observing the day exactly as He gave it to Moses. He said.
“I shall not alter the thing that has gone out of My lips.”
Bring Yeshua to the Jews by honoring the God the Son they brought, through the prophets and teachers of the Old Testament, the only Scriptures Jesus and the apostles used or had access to. Let’s be grafted into the Seed of Abraham. Jesus changed nothing other than
that He ended only the animal sacrifices. Then He ascended to His Father, where he makes intercession for us now, and will until He returns to take His faithful followers of His Torah with Him
You are right – pentecost is 50 days after Easter but that is a quite a ways off yet