Advent is Coming

by Christine Sine

Welcome to November and the mad race towards Advent and Christmas. I like to celebrate Celtic Advent which begins November 15th. Orthodox Christians celebrate a similar 40 days of Advent. As I mentioned last week, I love this extended period of celebration because it enables me to focus on the real meaning of Advent and Christmas before the consumer culture reaches a crescendo. This year I plan to make a special Advent wreath for my corner with a candle to mark each of the 6 weeks of Celtic Advent. On Godspace we have lots of resources, activities and suggestions of books available for the season which you might like to check out here. I also pulled out my set of Celtic prayer cards which I will use as prayer prompts each morning.  As well as that I intend to revisit Brenda Griffin Warren’s wonderful online pilgrimage Celts to the Creche that provides a Celtic saint to walk us through each of the 40 days of Advent. I plan to use 2 books for the Advent season this year. Jean Andrianoff’s Pondering Nativity, a delightful set of Advent and Christmas reflections, each of which focuses on one of her incredible collection of nativity sets from around the world. The other is Drew Jackson’s God Speaks Through Wombs a set of poems based on the first few chapters of Luke. Some of these poems are incredibly profound and provide rich reflection for the season.

Last night, in preparation for Celtic Advent, at our community meeting, we lit our beautiful oil lamp and small tea lights (adapted from Lilly’s Corporate Advent Wreath idea), and shared some of our Celtic prayers and why we are attracted to Celtic Christianity. I will perform a similar ritual each week throughout the Advent season, possibly adding some Celtic drawing or rock painting one week. I look forward to this fun way to celebrate our extended Advent season.

The garden continues to thrive with an abundance of greens, leeks, and broccoli and the tomatoes we picked green are slowly ripening. Last night I cooked one of my favourite recipes for this time of year – Phad Thai. This time, because one of our community members is allergic to all nuts except almonds, I used ginger, almond butter and almonds instead of peanut butter and peanuts. It was delicious. If you have a favorite recipe for this time of the year we would love for you to share it with us.

My Meditation Monday – Thriving on Connections talked about the importance of friendships, especially at this time of the year when we are craving companionship. It is a great time to reconnect and strengthen friendships. As I said in my post, there is nothing like a friendship revived after many years. Once you read the post sit and think about your own friends. Are there some you need to renew connection to this year?

This week on Godspace we are blessed with two beautiful reflections by June Friesen. In Nature Embraces Autumn Change she asks: Have you ever wondered as I have how it is that nature moves so smoothly through the different stages of life – spring generates new beginnings and new life while autumn brings death and rest? Great questions to ponder as you welcome autumn in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern. In her second post God’s Gift of The Moon she asks another important question: How often does one consider that the moon plays an important part in the creation plan of God? Don’t forget too that June posts daily in the Godspacelight Community Group on Facebook where she shares more of her beautiful photos and profound thoughts.

John Van de Laar writes about the Quest for Contentment, I love his suggestions that contentment is not a destination but journey and that one of the best ways to move towards contentment is through thanksgiving.  In her Freerange Friday – Welcome to November, Lilly Lewin asks us to write down 5 things we want to remember from October. What a great practice to consider for each month of the year.

Again I want to remind you that Godspacelight has lots of Advent and Christmas resources available including our Advent Devotional Lean Towards the Light. Two of my favourites are the Advent Bundle with our Advent Devotional, Journal and Prayer Cards. They all cover the 6 weeks of Celtic Advent. Or if, like me you plan to start Christmas baking soon you might like the Godspacelight Community Cookbook available alone or as part of a special Advent bundle.  We also have a number of free Advent resources including the ever popular Advent in a Jar

Don’t forget too that it is time to sign up for the Advent Quiet Day December 9th. If you prefer, consider purchasing one of our 2 Advent retreats from previous years Walking in Wonder Through Advent with Lilly Lewin and myself, a personal favourite of mine and Lean Towards the Light.

So much to think about at this season. So much to get ready for and in the midst of all the turmoil both of the season and in the horrors of what is happening in the Middle East, remember that God is a God of love so I offer to you the prayer that I wrote at the weekend:

I sit surrounded by God’s love,
It is in the air I breathe
The food I eat.
The water I drink.
I see it in the face of strangers,
I embrace it in the care of friends.
Love circles and sustains me.
Love holds and comforts me.
God is always in me, around me,
Beside me, behind and before.
God is with me wherever I go.
I sit secure in God’s love.

May God’s love be with you.

Christine Sine

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Explore the Advent resources that Godspace Light has been collecting over the years. Liturgies, activities, music… all gathered to help you add meaning and beauty to your Advent season, Christmas and New Year.

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