A Season to Pause

by Christine Sine
a season to pause

post and photos by June Friesen August 2021,

Luke 10:38-42

38-40… Jesus entered a village. A woman by the name of Martha welcomed him and made him feel quite at home. She had a sister, Mary, who sat before the Master, hanging on every word he said. But Martha was pulled away by all she had to do in the kitchen. Later, she stepped in, interrupting them. “Master, don’t you care that my sister has abandoned the kitchen to me? Tell her to lend me a hand.” 41-42 The Master said, “Martha, dear Martha, you’re fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it—it’s the main course, and won’t be taken from her.”

In today’s world, we have had to take some time the past 18 months and slow down… in fact, about 16 months ago, life came to a halt pretty much worldwide and humanity was slowed down like they had not been in a very long time. It did not take long until people were bored, frustrated, anxious,… some became angry, defiant, while others cowered in fear. 

CHANGE… we often talk about change yet do little to implement change. For much of humanity, we like and embrace certainty and predictable life. We are more comfortable that way. 

As I think about the story of Mary and Martha, I often want to be like Mary yet my Martha traits tend to take over, and off I go. We are moving into change in nature presently… for some, it is a time of harvest and then the earth will take a rest. The plants will yield their harvests and humanity will gather, preserve and enjoy. For people, it, too, should be a time of slowing down as travel sometimes becomes a bit treacherous with weather conditions changing. This is when ‘Mary time’ becomes a gift one can embrace and allow the spirit to be nurtured and warmed as one allows the fire of God’s Spirit to prepare for new life to awaken in time.

 For others, it is a time of new beginnings and fresh starts as the earth awakens once again. For people in these areas, it becomes a time of stretching, breathing deeply of the newness of life…  watching eagerly for what is sprouting. This is also a time when one can embrace God’s presence in the gardens, the woods, the paths, the lakes… being encouraged to let God awaken one’s spirit to new life. 

A few years ago I came upon this statue and I could not help but stop and stay awhile. I allowed myself to be this young woman… and this is what I heard Jesus say:

A Season to Pause 2

by June Friesen


Is your heart aching with unspoken pain?
Is there agony within that seems so controlling –
Holding you in bondage to the past you want to leave behind?
Is there no one you trust to share your deep pain?
Has there been continued condemnation time and time again?
Have the answers given seemed to roll off tongues
With little care or real understanding?
Answers like – 
Trust and follow God – He will make it all better.
Or you just need to pray harder and it will go away.
Or just grow up and get over it.
Or that was years ago – you need to live in the today.
It really cannot be that bad and on and on.
Jesus truly will listen; that really is true – 
But He also looks for those here on earth
Who are willing to share His listening, caring and understanding heart
With the broken, bleeding, deeply pained ones – 
Offering hope, healing, unconditional love – 
So that there can truly be genuine healing and growth that is real.
As you ponder the truth of Jesus’ teaching
Where we are called to love Him
 And then love all others as we love ourselves – 
The call is to not make excuses 
But rather yield to the Spirit to make you the person God wants you to be.
Come my friend and sit with Jesus and tell Him your story.
Come my friend and offer to sit with another encouraging them to tell their story.
Come my friend and take the hand of another offering hope, unconditional love 
To promote life healing within their spirit as well.
Come my friend……sit…..listen…….care…….love.
You will be glad you did.

(Friesen 2015)

God, please allow each one of us to embrace the season of life that is at hand for us whether in nature or whether in our spirits. Help us to embrace each moment as You choose to move our spirits through the changing process. Amen.

Register and pay to join us for this virtual retreat experience with Christine Sine and Lilly Lewin on September 25, 2021 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm PST. For more details, click on the image below.

Gearing Up for a Season of Gratitude 400

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