A Prayer for the Day by John Henry Newman

by Christine Sine

by Christine Sine

As I prepare for the new year and my intended focus “Let God’s newness emerge” I am constantly looking for prayers I can use regularly to keep my focus on God and God’s purposes for me. Today’s prayer, which I understand Mother Theresa used every day is a beautiful prayer from the 19th century Catholic theologian John Henry Newman.

The line that particularly held my attention and which I have spent time reflecting on this morning is “be in me that every soul I come in contact with may feel your presence in my soul.” What I wonder do I need to commit to in the new year so that others are able to sense God’s presence in my soul at all times? I think it is a question that all of us should ponder at this season.

Help me to spread Your fragrance everywhere I go.
Flood my soul with Your spirit and life.
Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly,
that my life may only be a radiance of Yours.

Shine through me, and be so in me that every soul I come in
contact with may feel Your presence in my soul.
Let them look up and see no longer me but only Jesus!

Stay with me and then I shall begin to shine as You shine,
so to shine as to be a light to others; The light, O Jesus will be
all from You; none of it will be mine;
It will be you shining on others through me. (John Henry Newman.)

For those that wonder why I post so many prayers like this, and why poetry is such an important part of Godspace I suggest you read this article: Why Reading Poetry Is Good For Your Brain Evidently poetry helps us reflect and is good for our memory and cognitive health. No wonder there is a resurgence of interest in poetry. No wonder so many of us still love to recite poems we learned as kids and no wonder a growing number of us like to write poetry.

What kind of poetry do you love to listen to, recite or write?

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Anya Almgren December 26, 2018 - 8:47 am

Thank you for sharing this prayer, Christine. It’s EXACTLY the words I’ve been feeling inside and needing to express out loud. It will be my daily prayer as well, but I don’t think I’ll wait for the New Year, just the Church new year, which has already begun. 🙂 Blessings to you!

Christine Sine December 26, 2018 - 8:58 am

Anya, I am beginning the New Year early in a way too – spending the days up to New Year’s day really focusing on what matters, and how I prepare for a year that I think will hold a lot of challenges.

Catherine Windsor December 27, 2018 - 9:25 am

Mary Oliver’s work is always a favorite to read aloud. I also love the poetry of my ancestor Sir Thomas Wyatt. ee cummings is an exercise in abstract thinking. I have also been inspired to write my own. Thank you, Christine, for the cardinal’s prayer/poem.

Christine Sine December 27, 2018 - 10:13 am

Thanks Catherine. I love Mary Oliver’s poetry too. I will look up Sir Thomas Wyatt. He is not one I know.

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