A Practical Way to Share the Wonder

by Christine Sine
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by Jean Adrianoff

Let them praise the name of the Lord!  For he commanded and they were created. 

Psalm 148:5 (ESV)

Psalm 148 presents a call for all creation to praise God, everything from earthly kings to creeping things, from shining stars to ocean bars. Someday, all creation will be renewed to praise more fully. I can’t wait to hear the singing of the trees! In the meantime, I find nature inspiring me to praise the Creator. How can I share this sense of wonder with others?

I respond to God’s created works primarily in two ways: photography and writing. A few years ago, I discovered that making photo books could link these two passions. I combine my favorite images with words that direct attention to God. However, I found limitations in sharing such projects due to their high cost. Then, a couple years ago, my favorite on-line photo book site offered a new option: 6” x 6” mini books for under $10.00 each, including postage and handling. I experimented with making books using a single photo on each page, accompanied by a Scripture verse and/or personal reflection. My most recent project, Sacred Paths, features photographs of trails or other paths taken over the years, accompanied by Bible verses that include the word “path.” I ordered several copies and have used them for gifts when I am looking for something small and personal to give. In this way, I can share with others the sense of awe and wonder I feel in observing God’s creation.

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As we enter this season of Thanksgiving, I’ve been pondering how I might use this medium to focus my thoughts on gratitude, particularly for God’s creation. I plan to take a photo each day of one feature of God’s creation, then write a brief reflection of what that reveals about the nature of God or why this inspires gratefulness. My goal is to create at least 20 reflections (as that is the number of pages of the basic book) during the period between Canadian Thanksgiving on October 9 and the United States Thanksgiving on November 23. I trust that the discipline of focusing on the particulars of what God has made will stimulate my heart to praise.

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