A Favourite Celtic Prayer

by Christine Sine
cross Clonmacnois

Celtic cross Clonmacnois

Here is another of my favourite Celtic prayers. We will use this to close off the time at our Celtic retreat this weekend.

(The Rising)

Let us go forth,

In the goodness of our merciful Father,

In the gentleness of our brother Jesus,

In the radiance of the Holy Spirit,

In the faith of the apostles,

In the joyful praise of the angels,

In the holiness of the saints,

In the courage of the martyrs.


Let us go forth,

In the wisdom of our all-seeing Father,

In the patience of our all-loving brother,

In the truth of the all-knowing Spirit,

In the learning of the apostles

In the gracious guidance of the angels,

In the patience of the saints,

In the self control of the martyrs,

Such is the path for all servants of Christ,

The path from death to eternal life

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1 comment

Christine Sine February 28, 2013 - 9:36 am

Reblogged this on Godspace and commented:

I was reminded of this going forth prayer as I read Tom’s post this morning and thought that it would probably resonate with many of you as well. Remembering the cloud of witnesses who surround us before and behind is a wonderful anchor for our faith.

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