I am a great book lover. I was an English major in college and a language arts teacher once upon a time. I am always looking for books that inspire me. I love it when I discover other people who are book lovers too! Thanks to my work, I have a lot of friends who don’t just love books, they also WRITE THEM! (Like Christine!)
I have a new friend here in Nashville who I want to introduce you to today. BONNIE SMITH WHITEHOUSE is an English professor at Belmont University here in town. She is a kindred spirit! Bonnie’s work, Afoot and Lighthearted – A Journal For Mindful Walking was the book I recommended in the Gifts of a SACRED SUMMER kit/curriculum to help us engage God outside in nature!

I so love it when I find an author who combines their love of God, nature, wonder and experiential practice all in one place!
Bonnie has a new book, Seasons of Wonder – Making the Ordinary Sacred, that comes out this month just in time for advent and holiday shopping. I got mine in the mail yesterday and I am so excited to have a new devotional for ADVENT and one to use as the new year begins! This isn’t just an ordinary devotional. It’s one you can use on your own, with your small group or with your family and friends. It has activities to do together, like making your own pilgrimage walking stick! And for December, reading one of my all time favorites The Best Christmas Pageant Ever out loud. Reading this book has been a Christmas tradition in our family for years so I love that it’s one of Bonnie’s favorites too! Since we are still in November (thankfully!) the theme is POINT TO LOVE. I know that we all can use the reminder from the quote that begins the chapter:
Love is what carries you, for it is always there, even in the dark, or most in the dark. but shining out at times like gold stitches in a piece of embroidery.
– Wendell Berry
In these crazy times, as the days shorten and darken, we need to look for those gold stitches of love in our lives. I think Bonnie’s new book, SEASONS OF WONDER is a great way to help us do just that!

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PS, this book is a great addition to your PRACTICE OF WONDER…If you haven’t already, check out Christine Sine’s book The Gift of Wonder- Creative Practices for Delighting in God.
©lillylewin and freerangeworship.com
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Next Facebook Live!
Join Christine Sine and Lilly Lewin for a conversation about Celtic Advent and their own practices for the season on Wednesday, November 9th at 9 am PT. Happening live in the Godspace Light Community Group on Facebook – but if you can’t catch the live discussion, you can catch up later on YouTube!