For Our Contributors
The emphasis of the Godspace writers’ community is spirituality, sustainability, and social justice. Our hope is to give the opportunity to writers from diverse backgrounds – age, gender, and ethnicity – to express their viewpoints and thoughts while at the same time creating a network of friendships that span the globe.
We do welcome enquires from those who are interested in one time submissions as guest posts on Godspace but would only accept these if they are in keeping with our current theme (usually posted on the godspacelight Facebook page) or if they are in response to a specific invitation for a special feast day, church celebration or anniversary. Please send inquiries to our email.
The Guidelines for Godspace Writer’s Community
- Subscribe to Godspace to receive at least our weekly emails and/or daily emails. Do this by completing the pop-up that appears when you first open Godspace.
- Commit to writing at least four posts a year. For example, you might choose to write one post for Advent, one for Lent, and two other posts in other series throughout the year. If you would like to do a post a month that would be even better.
- Help promote the blog by sharing posts (not just your own) and letting your networks know about events and publications, maybe once a week or so on social media – Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, or wherever else you visit. If you are not on social media, please tell your friends, family, and networks through email, newsletter, or however you communicate.
- Help shape the future topics on the blog so that it becomes more collaborative, not just the editors telling you what we want you to write about.
- Be willing to have your posts used in future collaborative publications like the Lenten and Advent books we have produced.
Unfortunately, at this stage, there is no compensation for posts, though we are willing to help promote books you write, your personal website and help expand your reach through our network of over 6,000 subscribers from around the globe.
Guidelines For Posts
- Written posts should be 500-900 words long. We also accept shorter pieces in the form of reflections, poetry, creative exercises, or video. If you have other suggestions let us know, we want this to become as richly diverse in authorship and form as possible.
- Please include at least one photo (no more than 800px width and less than 200 kb; .jpg format is preferred) as attachments with your post. Make sure credits are included. If you use a photo that is not yours, please make sure you have permission to use it and let us know where the photo came from. Please send photos separately and indicate where you’d like them to go.
- Include websites to be linked to beside the words that you want the hyperlinks to go to.
- If quoting the Bible, please use, including the translation and link to Bible Gateway that you used.
- Regular contributors do not need to send a bio with each post. Your name will appear at the top with a link to your profile. Those who only post occasionally should send a bio, which will appear at the bottom of the post, with each submission. If you would like links to your website, page, or book, please make sure that information is also included.
- Please send your documents in a Google Doc or Word format to our email. You may send the photos in a separate email as long as they are still individual attachments, but our preference is to send them as separate attachments in the same email as your attached document.
If you know of other writers who would be interested in contributing, please help connect us. We would love to recruit from other countries and other ethnicities too so any help in promoting diversity is appreciated.
When referencing or quoting Godspace Light, please be sure to include the Author (Christine Sine unless otherwise noted), the Title of the article or resource, the Source link where appropriate, and © Thank you!