by Andy Wade
A few years ago Andy Wade redesigned his garden and I am in awe of what he has created. It all began with the questions “What If I designed my garden with God and neighbor in mind?” I often think of this as I work in my own garden. How can I invite God into my space? How can I make it a place of welcome for friends and neighbours? I hope that you are as inspired by what he has done as I am.
Are you are inspired and are interested in Garden Spirituality? Check out my book, To Garden with God, or plan to have Andy or I hold our Spirituality of Gardening workshop in your location.
This is wonderful!
I asked myself a similar question a few months ago and wrote down my thoughts in my diary. I think God would want us to design a space that is both welcoming to people but also the local wildlife and it would also wisely use resources – we would be good stewards as he first asked us to. A place that points to him and shows the wonder of his creation. We move house this summer and I’m eager to get planning and see where he leads…