Unpacking the Lord’s Prayer with Francis McNab

by Christine Sine

Here is another beautiful rendition of the Lord’s Prayer by Francis McNab that I think is particularly appropriate for today.

Dear One, closer to us than our own hearts, farther from us than the most distant star, you are beyond naming.

May your powerful presence become obvious not only in the undeniable glory of the sky, but also in the seemingly base and common processes of the earth.

Give us what we need, day by day, to keep body and soul together, because clever as you have made us, we still owe our existence to you.

We recognize that to be reconciled with you, we must live peaceably and justly with other human beings, putting hate and bitterness behind us.

We are torn between our faith in your goodness and our awareness of the evil in your creation, so deliver us from the temptation to despair.

Yours alone is the universe and all its majesty and beauty.

Good caring presence within us, around us, and above us; Hold us in a sense of mystery and wonder.

Let the fullness of your goodness be within us and around us; Let all the world know your ways of caring and generosity.

May we find we have all we need to meet each day without undue anxiety.

Overlook our many stupidities, and help us to release everyone from their stupidities.

May we all know that we are accepted.

Strengthen us that we will reach out to the best, always with the faith to rise above the ugly realities of our existence.

And we celebrate the gifts you have given us – the rich kingdom of life’s possibilities the power to do good and the triumphs of good and the moments when we have seen the glory and wonder of everything.

You are life’s richness. You are life’s power. You are life’s ultimate meaning –Amen.

Francis Macnab in “The Historical Jesus Goes to Church

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Herbert B Orr March 14, 2020 - 7:41 am

“deliver us from evil” This includes coronavirus: Psalm 91 vs 9-10, 3 & 6: “You who have God as your Refuge will not be harmed. You do not have to worry about pestilences, either!”

Donna M Timm March 14, 2020 - 10:10 am

Thank you for this “rendition!” It puts a lot of things in a wonderful perspective. And so important in these days of pestilence.

Christine Sine March 14, 2020 - 12:25 pm

Yes I have read I over several times and find it very helpful.

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