Last year for my sixtieth birthday, someone gave me a finger labyrinth. I put it in my draw and promptly forgot about it. However, as I started to research various…
Sunday May 27th is Pentecost. This is the day when we celebrate:. The coming of the Holy Spirit and the infilling of Jesus’ disciples with the power to go out…
Today is Ascension Day, but like many of us I am already thinking about Pentecost in 10 days time. Then we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit, though for…
Our annual Celtic retreat is coming. We hold it in August on a beautiful parcel of undeveloped land on Camano Island north of Seattle. There are no buildings. Our sanctuary…
I mentioned yesterday that my post was a contribution to the May Synchroblog. Here are the other posts – great stuff and well worth a read. Jeremy Myers at Till…
This morning I have been thinking about what it means to practice the presence of a God who is love. We know that the central commandment Jesus gave to the…
Many of you know that I am working on a new book on prayer: Return to Your Senses – Reimagining How We Pray, that hopefully will be available in September. When I…
I posted this prayer from Desmond Tutu’s An African Prayer Book on the Light for the Journey Facebook page . It was so popular that I thought I would post…
As many of you know I am working on a new book on prayer Return to Your Senses: Reimagining How We Pray. I talked about this in a recent post entitled Let…
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