As a prelude to Lent and probably throughout the season as well I plan to post prayers and reflective music to assist our journey. The second prayer in the series …
This morning I am preparing for our Lenten retreat on Saturday, thinking about what I will do for Lent and how I will prepare my own sacred space for the …
Benedictines of Mary in rural Missouri produce some beautiful reflective music. It has topped the charts in classical music and as you listen to the recording below it is not …
Lent is just a week away. Saturday is our retreat Return to Our Senses in Lent, and Wednesday next week is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. For me it feels as …
What is obedience and more particularly, what does it mean to be obedient to God? As we head towards Lent these are questions I ask myself. The scriptures tell us Christ …
Our preLenten retreat Return to Our Senses in Lent, is only a week away and Ash Wednesday is only a few days after that. Tom and I are heading off this morning for …
This post is out of date. Please see our latest version. Music is such a wonderful aid to meditation and reflection that I realize the need to help all of …
~This page is old. Please see our updated Resources for Lent~ With Lent fast approaching I realize that it is time to update my resource lists. This is one of …
When I told my colleague Kristin King Carroccino about my ideas for starting a Lenten garden she sent me this article about what she and her family have done in …
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