It has been a frustrating week. On Wednesday we uploaded the second episode of The Liturgical Rebels podcast, a fantastic interview with poet Drew Jackson that I was hoping everyone would…
by Christine Sine For Love of the World God Did Foolish Things. As you can imagine I have thought a lot about this over the last couple of weeks and I…
by Christine Sine At the end of my interview with Drew Jackson for The Liturgical Rebels Podcast he asks: what does poetry have to do with our own journey and…
In this second episode of The Liturgical Rebel I am in conversation with Drew Jackson about poetry as spiritual practice and how it can help us express the laments and…
“There is tension within me during Lent. On one side I feel the somberness of the season and call to repentance and sober reflection. On the other side I want…
by Christine Sine Over the last few days spring has burst forth in Seattle. The daffodils are smiling. Crocuses fill the lawn and flowering trees are bursting into bloom all…
On Friday we launched my new podcast The Liturgical Rebels. It has been an exciting few days. I am overwhelmed by the number of you who have not only listened…
by Christine Sine Relinquish, let go, give up. These are the words that reverberate in my mind as a begin Lent this year. For love of God, for love of…
On Friday we launched the Liturgical Rebels podcast with an inaugural episode in which Christine Sine and Forrest Inslee talk about what it means to be a liturgical rebel and…
Virtual Retreat with Christine Sine on March 2nd 10 am – 12 pm (PST) What do you long for as you look towards Easter? How can we create Beauty from the…
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