Prayers for the Journey

by Christine Sine

I love this weekly summing up of prayers that have been posted on the Facebook page Light for the Journey. Enjoy.

Watch O Lord

Watch O Lord – uploaded by Contemplative Network

Watch O Lord with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight, and give Your Angels and Saints charge over those who sleep. Tend Your sick ones, dear Lord, rest Your weary ones, bless Your dying ones, soothe Your suffering ones, pity Your afflicted ones, shield Your joyous ones, and all for Your Love’s sake.” St Augustine

contributed by Contemplative Network.


Let me rest in the place of stillness,
Where God fills my body
With the peace that is beyond understanding.
Let me rest in the place of quiet,
Where God fills my spirit
With the peace that is beyond understanding.
Let me rest in the place of trust,
Where God fills my heart
With the peace that is beyond understand.
Let me rest in the presence of God,
Where all that I am and all that I do
Is filled with the peace that is beyond understanding.


Lord, you have always given bread for the coming day,
and though I am poor, today I believe.
Lord, you have always given strength for the coming day,
and though I am weak, today I believe.
Lord, you have always given peace for the coming day,
and though of anxious heart, today I believe.
Lord, you have always kept me safe in trials,
and now, tried as I am, today I believe.
Lord, you have always marked the road for the coming day,
and though it may be hidden, today I believe.
Lord, you have always lightened this darkness of mine,
and though the night is here, today I believe.
Lord, you have always spoken when time was ripe,
and though you be silent now, today I believe.

This beautiful Celtic prayer that was sent to me yesterday by my good friend Tom Balke

God of Signs and Wonders

God of Signs and Wonders – contributed by


God in the place of stillness,
May I release all I think I know of you
To rest in the source of all truth.
May I open my heart,
To what my mind cannot understand,
And thoughts cannot comprehend.
May I let go my images of you, O Lord
So that I can behold
The unimaginable expansiveness of who you are.


Lamb of God
who takes away the sin of the world
grant us forgiveness
for that which we have done, and not done.
Lamb of God
who takes away the sin of the world
grant us peace
through your Spirit’s presence in our hearts.
Lamb of God
who takes away the sin of the world
grant us joy
in our journeying with you, our King.



Let the light of Christ shine on you,
Let the light of Christ shine in you,
Let the light of Christ shine through you,
This day and forevermore.

Light of God - photo Christine Sine

Light of God – photo Christine Sine

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