I have already posted several of this week’s Facebook prayers which you might like to check out:
Here are the remaining posts that have been made:
God may we begin this day with you at the centre,
May your love flow from us to neighbour,
May your peace touch those we encounter,
May your life shine through all we do.
May we live as those who are made in your image.
You speak to us in many ways,
through rushing wind
or still small voice,
in Scripture’s Word
or through your Grace,
and we in turn find many ways
to hear the world’s
insistent voice
break through the silence,
and take your place.
Forgive our frailty.
Help us hear your voice
above the clamor of this world,
recognize the difference
and follow only you.
Help us hear your voice
above the clamor of this world,
recognize the difference
and follow only you.
Lord, you are the only God,
Creator, redeemer, counsellor,
Faithful, righteous, holy One.
May we begin this day with love of you,
May it fill our hearts and minds and souls,
And weave through every fibre of our being.
May it flow from us to others,
Bringing justice, showing mercy, setting free.
May we practice your royal law of love,
Creator, redeemer, counsellor,
Faithful, righteous, holy One.
May we begin this day with love of you,
May it fill our hearts and minds and souls,
And weave through every fibre of our being.
May it flow from us to others,
Bringing justice, showing mercy, setting free.
May we practice your royal law of love,
And so be remade in your divine image.
O Jesus,
Make our hearts so human,
That others may feel at home with us,
So like yours, that others may feel at home with You,
So forgetful of self,
That others might simply become the place
Make our hearts so human,
That others may feel at home with us,
So like yours, that others may feel at home with You,
So forgetful of self,
That others might simply become the place
where you and they meet.
In the power of your love
and the joy of your friendship, Amen
This prayer written by Fr Paul Costello is called the Rosies’ prayer
In the power of your love
and the joy of your friendship, Amen
This prayer written by Fr Paul Costello is called the Rosies’ prayer