No Anchor But Jesus

by Christine Sine

by Jody Collins,

(Photo above: Crocosmia in my front garden)

“Where do people put such things when they live by Plan? Our entire plan is simply Miscellaneous.” -Gladys Taber, Stillmeadow Seasons, 1950

Last Sunday was our first time back in a building to gather and worship for church since March of this year. I refer to that time as “2020 B.C.” as in Before Coronavirus.

Guided by our pastor and staff, we were properly spaced in family or couple groups, masked up and elbow-bumping our hellos to one another. It was….. weird. And it was somehow wonderful at the same time. Why? Because we were together again with our brothers and sisters, standing in the same room with live music. No more screens with live streaming church services…the body of Christ was re-membered–put back together again.

But yes, it was weird. Not the church part, but the whole year part.

For instance, how is it almost July?

It seems like 2020 should only have two months–January and June. Or better, just two parts–Then and Now. The plans in my Daytimer were thankfully in pencil (I’m old school like that) and erased easily enough. But instead of checking off or crossing out events and tasks, January through June just became one gaping hole.

Weeks have turned into months, days are jumbled together in no particular order. I wake up nearly every morning and wonder, “Now is it Tuesday or Friday?” Without Sundays set aside to be in fellowship and worship, weekly anchors that held my life in place disappeared almost overnight.

Yes, there has been little to plan on in these days of #coronavirus. Facts change overnight, what was for sure and for certain and familiar has vanished. I have been forced…. goaded? nudged? into facing the one fact that remains–God’s word is the only anchor I can count on. His truth centers me, His spirit fills me and His daily faithfulness in the world around me has continued to save me.

photo by Jody Collins

I am forever grateful that this pandemic and isolation came when Spring in our corner of the world was just waking up. Now here we are in the thick of Summer and flowers and trees are lush and vibrant, my potato vines are flourishing, the bees are busy in the lavender. Life continues in God’s creation whether there’s lockdown or not. You can’t quarantine nature, that is for sure.

The nudges I feel in this season were summed up beautifully the other morning when I read in Psalm 143 during my quiet time.

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.

Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Psalm 143:8

I so wish I could actually make plans in my Planner. That I knew what was going to take place in the next month or two. But the Holy Spirit is continuing to remind me that we are only given one day at a time and our days, whether we acknowledge it or not, belong to God.

I can’t think of anyplace safer to be right now then listening and looking into the coming year one day at a time. That is God’s saving grace.

Tell me, what’s saving your life right now? I’d love to hear in the comments.

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jaanikalinde July 8, 2020 - 2:40 am

Hi Jody, that is a beautiful post, I really enjoyed reading it. Like you, I also feel that weekdays are melted into one. Tuesday or Friday, it does not matter.
I also feel like days and nights are melted into one. One continuous circle of existence.
What is keeping me anchored is Gods master plan and my trust in it.
Lots of love, Jaanika

Karen July 8, 2020 - 9:12 am

A very deep knowledge that I am kept by God in the Jesus

Barry Earp July 8, 2020 - 2:41 pm

Yes we can thank God that this virus has reminded/enforced? us to rely only on Him, & keep looking for ways to honour & serve Him amidst the pain & confusion

Rodney July 8, 2020 - 4:20 pm

The gift of the beautiful song of the magpies in the morning help sustain me at this time. Thanks for a heaven on Earth post, Jody

Rosie Woods July 11, 2020 - 11:00 am

I’m struggling with long term depression, over 30 years and made worse by being alone without family. I have lost any sense of Jesus. But know it must be his grace helping me survive.

Anna August 4, 2020 - 4:34 pm

Rosie, that sounds so difficult. And the isolation is so much more pronounced now. It is hard to keep a sense of God in dark places. I found it difficult to feel God’s presence when depressed, but had to rely on knowing he was with me despite this. You are in my prayers.

laycistercians July 14, 2020 - 10:16 pm

Thank you for sharing this. What you learned a few years ago may have been good enough for then, but you have probably forgotten a few things, and you might learn even more, now that you have more life experience. I encourage everyone to keep learning keep growing and keep strengthening your connection with the true foundation of life. No one else can do it for you.

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