MSA Imaginings – Exciting Things Are Sprouting.

by Christine Sine

Spring was exciting, summer is heating up! Although we’ve had a challenging time with the vandalism of windows at our center for imagination and creativity at Mustard Seed Village, we’re not discouraged and we’re not slowing down. So many good things are happening and we want to invite you to join with us in some great opportunities to connect and grow both online and in person.

Just Six Weeks Until Our Celtic Prayer Retreat
Are You Registered?


August 7-9 Main Event All Day Saturday

Reconciliation is at the heart of the gospel message. Through the Holy Spirit, God’s love has flooded our hearts, reshaping and transforming us. We are journeying not just toward renewed relationships and communities, but toward a new creation in which we are all reconciled to the image of God within us, within others, and even within creation. annual retreat on August 7th-9th is your invitation to enter this journey. With the inspirational 6th century Irish monk Columba as our guide, we will walk together through scripture,

February Birds

reflection, worship, and creative spiritual exercises, stirring our imaginations and opening our hearts and minds to the reconciling power of God. There will be plenty of time and space for inner renewal, plus lots of fun, fellowship and food as we journey together toward restoration and wholeness.

We will set aside the busy clutter in our lives and create a quiet space for prayer and renewal as we worship God in a beautiful outdoor cathedral surrounded by maple and cedar trees.

Following the Celtic Christian tradition, this retreat will incorporate the rhythms of work and rest, community and solitude, prayer and biblical study.

camping, great conversations, and morning/evening prayers, friday & sunday


New To The MSA E-School: Spirituality And GardeningWith Christine Sine

To Garden With God - cover

Sun. Soil. Water. Perhaps it’s close communion with the elements of our earthly lives that gives many gardeners a deeper sense of God. In this course, Christine Sine offers us dynamic insight into what the simple labor of a gardener has to do with the God who fashioned the first humans from the soil and made a home for them in a garden. Christine offers presentations on the following topics

  • God as a Gardener
  • Digging and Watering
  • Planting and Pruning
  • The Rhythm of the Seasons

This course is perfect for those who are seeking deeper understanding and meaning to their work in the garden.


New Workshop Available: Gardening With God & Neighbor
With Andy Wade

In our journey of faith we often refer to Jesus’ command to love both God and neighbor. But what does that actually look like when we get home to our private sanctuary from the world? I tore up grass to grow food in our back yard I began to wonder how garden design influences how we encounter God in the garden. Later, after turning our front lawn into a giant garden, my question expanded to, how does loving my neighbor influence the way I create this private space that meets public sidewalk? In this workshop I’ll share more of my journey and the ideas it inspired, give some practical advice for making it simple and cost-effective, and have time for us to share stories and ideas from your own experiences.


Workshop Outline:

  1. Introduction
    1. Why garden with God and neighbor in mind? Part of the process of integrating faith into all of life.
    2. “What If” video
  2. Gardening with God in Mind
    1. Stewarding the gift of creation
    2. Getting out of the box!
    3. Letting God surprise you
    4. Discovering and creating sacred pockets
  3. Gardening with Neighbor in Mind
    1. Removing barriers and blurring the lines
    2. Inviting community/fostering hospitality
    3. Nomads don’t plant fruit trees – Putting down roots
    4. Fostering friendship through sharing
  4. A Light and Easy Burden
    1. Dig no more
    2. Recycle
    3. Save the water

Spirituality Of Gardening – A Rocha, Surrey BC

Explore together the beautiful ways that God and God’s story are revealed through the rhythms of planting, growing, and harvesting.

Spiritual insights, practical advice for organic backyard gardeners and time for reflection will enrich and deepen our faith.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity! Join us this fall at A Rocha’s Brooksdale Environmental Centre for our Spirituality of Gardening Seminar lead by Christine Sine of Mustard Seed Associates and author of the book, To Garden with God.

  • Time: 9:30 – 1:30pm, lunch included.
  • Date: Saturday September 19th, 2015
  • Location: Brooksdale Environmental Centre 19535 16th Ave. Surrey, BC V3Z 9V2). Please enter at our new entrance on 192nd Street.
  • Cost: $40 includes lunch and Christine Sine’s Book, ‘To Garden with God’.

Contact: Queenie,


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contemplativeactivist June 28, 2015 - 10:56 pm

With reference to the front garden, I redeveloped our urban front garden following my wife, Katey’s death from MS. Everything within it built upon a narrative of the continuing grace of God throughout and beyond life. Bar-b-cue in the front of the house established conversation with passers by along the side-walk (pavement) and some were brave enough to accept invitation to eat a burger. Also, where we lived was a transient neighbourhood with apartments either side, with front yards often uncared for. As we developed our front garden it had the effect, without a word spoken, of inspiring/motivating neighbours to attend to their garden. God run deep throughout all creation and we are invited to become gardeners of grace within our neighbourhood. Sad I live so far away and am unable to hear your stories. Be blessed. Micha

Christine Sine June 29, 2015 - 7:06 am

Micha it is sad that we are so far apart – one day we will get to share. Like you we have found the joy of sharing front yards and being God’s grace within our neighbourhoods. Andy Wade is particularly good at this. His reflections have really challenged all of us. You can check out my favourite here:

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