by Christine Sine
The long awaited day has arrived. Joy has come down, a new world has begun. Yet as I sit here this morning I am very aware of the places where joy still needs to be revealed. It is reflected in my rather unusual nativity scene this year – A Christ candle shining brightly in the middle of an array of animal planters with succulents in them.
Joy to the world – not just me, or you or my neighbors near and far. Not just people past, present and future, but all the world, all the animals, birds and sea creatures, all the insects and spiders and microbes. Today we remind ourselves that joy entered our world as an infant, not fully grown but needing to be nurtured, cared for and protected, needing to be taught and encouraged until he reached full maturity.
As I reflect on this my heart sings, and I do rejoice. God is in the business of making all things new and asks us to care for the small seeds of that newness that we see emerging.