Litany for the Blessing of Light

by Christine Sine
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by Lynn Domina

For our sun, a warm golden globe brightening our days,

We thank you, God, for your creation.

For our moon, silvery and bright, lighting our way through the night,

We thank you, God, for your creation.

For every star and constellation, for the stories they help us tell,

We thank you, God, for your creation.

For campfires and fireplaces, for kindling and split logs and all burning wood,

We thank you, God, for your creation.

For candles that flicker on our tables, for their warmth and aroma,

We thank you, God, for your creation.

For incandescence and fluorescence, for halogen and LED,

We thank you, God, for your creation. 

For scientists who can explain what light is,

We thank you, God, for your creation.

For inventors who help us bring more light to our lives,

We thank you, God, for your creation.

For storytellers who help us communicate light’s full meaning,

We thank you, God, for your creation.

For those dark times when light seems absent from our lives,

We thank you, God, for your creation.

For every new day, for our faith, for its assurance that dawn is coming,

We thank you, God, for creating a world bathed in light

and calling us to be people who walk in your great light.


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1 comment

Herbert Orr December 26, 2020 - 11:40 am

From the poem: “For scientists who can explain what light is: and”darkness without light”:
my comments as a scientist: MD, is I could write a booklet about it. This is just 2 things that I wrote June and Lynn::

Just in the natural when you enter in a dark room for the 1st time, as soon as you turned the switch you can see about everything in it and able to see or do what you entered it for. Spiritually, turning on the switch is getting in the presence of the Holy Spiirit. He can give you a Bible truth (rhema). What I do is that the moment I awake I get a Shristian song to sing:
For instance, yesterday i got this song that I havent heard for 15 yrs or later: “He was born long ago and died for all men. When He lives in you He will live again.”
And in the dark when clouds cover the stars & moon your night vision is less. Spiritually, in such darkness you are able to live by your faith alone.
For instance in October I had debilatating pneumonia in the hospital for 12 days. I had a lot of free thinking time to live by faith in worship. Deuteronomy 31 v 8:” He,Himself will go before you so don;t be fearful or dismayed.”
Psalm 41 v 3 ” On my sick bed my illness will get restored:” And Psalm 71 v 20.” He, Who allowed trouble and calamity will revive you.”

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