Holy Week is coming, and we are getting ready to walk with Jesus towards the cross. The following creative project is one I found here. It is designed for kids, but I am using it this week as a meditative practice. Each step provides an opportunity to pause and contemplate the events of the Easter journey and allow God to speak us afresh through the story.
- Cardboard (cut 6 ½” x 9”)
- Pencil or marker.
- Yarn
- White glue
- Tinfoil
- Scissors
- Paint brush
- Water
- Tape
- Colored permanentmarkers
- Black Sharpie
- With the pencil, draw a Good Friday scene on the cardboard as suggested here:. Be sure your spaces aren’t too small. Starting with the cross, run a bead of white glue over the pencil marks. Then cut and glue pieces of yarn over the glue. Glue and place yarn over all the lines in the picture. Now read through one of the gospel accounts of the crucifixion. Contemplate your unfinished picture in the light of the story. What is God saying to you?
- Cut a piece of aluminium foil that is about two inches wider and two inches longer than your picture. On the dull side of the tinfoil, run lines of white glue around the edges and through the center of the tinfoil. With the paint brush that has been dipped in water, spread the glue completely over the back of the foil.Now center the picture, yarn side down, over the aluminium foil and fold the edges of the tinfoil to the back of the picture and tape the corners. With your finger, press over the front of the foil-covered picture, sliding your thumb close to the yarn. Read through the story again, perhaps from a different gospel. What stands out for you as you contemplate your unfinished picture?
- With the colored permanent markers, fill the spaces in with color. I found that it works best to outline the space with the chosen color and then using the marker, sort of on its side, to fill in the area. Run over the raised area (yarn) with the black marker. Read through the third gospel account of the crucifixion. Contemplate your completed picture. What is God saying to you
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[…] Holy Week is coming, and we are getting ready to walk with Jesus towards the cross. The following creative project …read more […]