Keeping Up with the News

June 12

by Christine Sine

Christine and Tom are coming back tomorrow. I can’t wait to hear about their trip. Summer is here in a little over a week, don’t forget that there are many garden resources in the store. There are books and virtual classes, prayer cards and reflections on gardening as a spiritual practice; go take a look if you have some time.

Last week Episode 9 of the Liturgical Rebels podcast aired. Christine and Forrest Inslee interviewed Brian McLaren, author of Life After Doom, covering hope, transformation, ecological overshoot and so much more. Last Thursday we reposted one of Christine’s spiritual practices: finger labyrinths. They’re lots of fun, and pretty easy to make and use. One of our Godspacelight writers, Rev Sheila Hamil, has published a new memoir, “Called”. As she says, “My book ‘Called’ documents my entire life from being a child growing up in the North East of England with the ever-present threads of family, friendship, and faith in God, all woven in.” You can access it on her website Christine’s Meditation Monday shared her visit to Wells Cathedral, there are lots of beautiful pictures. Yesterday we reposted Naomi Lawrence’s 2021 post for Yarnbombing Day; if you don’t know what yarnbombing is, go find out.

Now you’re caught up!


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