It’s time to register for our first ever Awe and Wonder Workshop
This is a unique opportunity to enter the world of awe and wonder and revitalize your faith with the childlike practices it inspires.
Join us at Union Church Seattle
Saturday June 15th, 9-12 am (note date change!)
415 Westlake Ave N.
Limited parking in adjacent lot.
Cost: $35
Jesus told his disciples that to enter the kingdom of God they needed to become like children yet there is rarely anything childlike about our faith. We suffer from play deprivation, nature deficit disorder, awe deletion and compassion fatigue and as a result we are God deprived too.
In this workshop, based on The Gift of Wonder, I invite you to reawaken your inner child and rediscover the childlike characteristics that reconnect us to our passionate God who delights in life, celebrates with joy and exudes a sense of awe and wonder. This interactive process will have us remembering our childhood stories, doodling for fun, painting on rocks and and relearning the awe and wonder of nature walks, joyspot sightings and compassion games, exercises that enable us to delight in God in new and creative ways. There will be time for reflection and interaction but also come prepared to get creative.