Have you had your daily dose of awe and wonder this week – maybe gone on an awe and wonder walk or drive or wandered your neighborhood taking notice of the people. Here are a few things I have been made aware of this week:
From Su Bowman:
Dew held in a maidenhair leaf, ready for a thirsty creature

Dew held in a maidenhair leaf, ready for a thirsty creature – Sue Bowman
From Lilly Lewin – watch for beauty

Tulips Skagit valley – photo by Lilly Lewin
She also contributed this awe and wonder moment for me – awed by friends who leave special memories behind and by the joy that bubbles up within me as I think about them.

Collage by Lilly Lewin
Finally I continue to be awed by the flowers bursting into bloom in both my garden and inside the house.
What gives you a sense of awe today?

Orchid cactus