Advent shoes…
I realized before our Advent retreat in November that I needed some help walking in the wonder of Advent this year…
What would help us walk into the Wonder of Advent?
Thus says the Lord:
Stand at the crossroads, and look,
and ask for the ancient paths,
where the good way lies; and walk in it,
and find rest for your souls.But they said, “We will not walk in it.”
We might need to say YES to what Jesus is up to in our lives.
We might need to get rid of the things that are blocking our paths and prohibiting our ability to walk in Wonder. Taking off anger, and hostility, frustration, busyness, comparison, perfection, etc.
We might need NEW SHOES! Or even SOCKS! To help us find the WONDER and rediscover the paths that lead to rest for our souls!
To actually WALK in Wonder this Advent and Christmas
I decided I needed to consider what kind of shoes I might need.
House slippers…
Running Shoes….
Party /Dress up /Dancing shoes!
Those would be shoes for celebration!
Do you need to rediscover the joy of the celebration of the birth of Jesus?
When a baby is born we celebrate!
We offer congratulations to the parents and family members…
In the Nativity story people burst into songs of praise and prophecy!
Like Zechariah, Mary, and Elizabeth, not to mention the angels singing to the shepherds!

What Shoes do you Need ?
Maybe it’s a pair of hiking boots to get out there and really rediscover the old paths, the ancient ways of God on an actual trail!
Or a pair of running shoes to get you outside to discover the beauty of nature! And allow the heavens to declare the glory and wonder of God!
What about taking yourself or your family–or even your small group–outside on a clear night to look at the stars and be reminded of the Magi who followed that star so long ago, anticipating the king they would find!

Take off your Boots!
Maybe you’ve been wearing your combat boots and need to exchange them for a pair of fluffy or comfy slippers…
We all have battles we are fighting, and have been fighting, in these last couple of years.
Is it time to take a break from the battles, the fight? Even Jesus took breaks!
Jesus invites us to discover the Unforced Rhythms of grace!
How would a pair of slippers help you walk in wonder this year?
Matthew 11:28-30
Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”Advent Wonder Socks
I decided I needed new socks!
So these are my Advent Wonder Socks!
I put them on this morning to remind me that wonder surrounds us all day long!
We just need to take time to look and pay attention!
To pause and take notice! To put on DIFFERENT SHOES OR NEW SOCKS to help us remember to WALK IN WONDER!
Even in the mess of life, there is Wonder to be found because God is here!
Jesus came into our messy world, lived as one of us in the Mess!
Gave us the Holy Spirit to be with us always, daily, in the Mess!
And Jesus came into the world in bare feet!
So maybe you need to take off your shoes and walk around barefoot each day and embrace the wonder of your toes, or all the textures you feel as you walk around!
Weather permitting you could go barefoot outside!
Or imagine and consider baby feet to help you recapture the Wonder of Advent!
Jesus coming to us as a baby … the WONDER of all the innocence and beauty and mess of a newborn!

Baby Feet
So I’m considering how to recapture the Wonder … putting on my shoes and socks each day!
Taking off the shoes I don’t need!
Walking in NEW LIFE, seeking the paths that bring me REST!
Considering Emmanuel
The Wonder of God with us! In Bare Feet!
The Wonder and Adventure even in the messiness of 2021…
Even in a pandemic that keeps going!
Putting on my Wonder Socks and Walking in Wonder in the midst of it all! AMEN!
©lillylewin and
Are you ready to rekindle the WONDER of the season? Join Christine Sine and Lilly Lewin in this virtual retreat as they walk you through practical and fun activities focused on Advent Wonder. Sign up for 180 days of access to work through enriching discussions and engaging exercises at your own pace. Or give it as a gift! If you have purchased courses from us before or plan on purchasing in bulk, email us for a discount code.