Freerangefriday: Praying with School Supplies

by Lilly Lewin
Praying with school supplies 2

By Lilly Lewin

Many students are starting classes this week in the States and I am reminded to continue to pray for all the teachers, professors, moms, dads and grandparents who are working hard to make this happen both in person and virtually. Nothing is easy or normal in the land of Covid19. Many of us are trying to figure out how the calendar moved on to September while we are still stuck back in May or June!
As many of you know, I get inspired to pray with every day things. Just as Jesus used the things he found on his walks and daily life, like sparrows and lilies, I love to use the things that I see around my office, kitchen and the Dollar Store as inspirations. So here are some school/office supply prayers to inspire your journaling and reflections this weekend!

Pencils with an Eraser…

What are the mistakes you’ve been making that you’re longing for Jesus to erase? Make a list of these. Talk to Jesus about them. Know that Jesus loves you and forgives you & erases all these things! Now use the eraser to erase all of your list! Your slate is clean! Amen!

Maybe it’s not mistakes you need Jesus to erase. Maybe fears & frustrations are cluttering your heart and mind. Make a list of these. Talk to Jesus about them. Now use that eraser and let Jesus erase all your fears and those frustrations too! Thank you Jesus! 

Pens and Post-it Notes

We are starting a new season. What is the new story, new chapter, new adventure Jesus is inviting you to join him in writing? Even in the midst of all this uncertainty and confusion, ask Jesus to show you what his vision is! What words come to mind as you consider a new season, a fresh start? Use some post-it notes and write down some words that inspire you and give you hope. Post them around to encourage you to pray and dream! Write down a story or poem about a new adventure you’d like to go on with Jesus between now and Christmas.

Tape or Glue…

There so many things in our world right now that need mending. So many broken things that need to be taped back together. Tear off a piece of tape. What is on your heart that needs healing, that needs to be stuck back together? Things in your personal life, in your family, in your city, in your country. Maybe you need more than one piece of tape to use as you pray! Fell the stickiness of the tape or notice the messiness of some glue. Let Jesus hold these things for you. Know that Jesus is in control. Ask Jesus to mend these broken things. 

Hand Sanitizer… 

Go slowly as you rub your hands with hand sanitizer. Notice the scent, pay attention to how it feels as you put it on your hands. Consider the protection it provides. Thank Jesus for his protection. Now consider those who do not have hand sanitizer or a way to easily wash up each day. Pray for them. Buy an extra container of hand sanitizer to share with someone else or make a gift to your local homeless shelter.


I love crayons! Sometimes we all need a little coloring therapy. Doodle, draw, get an old fashioned coloring book and just go for it! What colors inspire you? Which colors bring you joy? What do you notice about the texture of crayons on the page or paper? Don’t worry about being an artist or being perfect… enjoy the process. Play and pray with the colors. Allow the Holy Spirit to inspire you.

What other school supplies inspire you to pray? I’d love to hear about what Jesus shows you! And keep a pencil on your desk or somewhere you will see it this week to remind you continue to pray for students, teachers, and all those helping get school and learning started this year.

© lillylewin and

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1 comment

Maren September 11, 2020 - 1:31 pm

Folders — that what is scattered may be sorted. Scissors with rounded tips — that in this election season we may cut to what is crucial without stabbing or even poking those who think differently.

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