by Lilly Lewin
I am just getting home this week from the Pilgrimage and our post pilgrimage trip to Brighton. Jet leg is real people! I was so sleepy yesterday, forgot what day it was and crashed at 7pm!
I believe that pilgrimage changes us! It helps us get out of our tourist and consumer mindsets and gets us on a journey of wonder and love with Jesus.
My friend and fellow pilgrim on the Finding Your Thinplace Pilgrimage ,Jamie Noyd, has an invitation to a pilgrimage we all can participate in this fall. It’s called The Harmony Way. Jamie creates virtual pilgrimages and leads in person pilgrimages for Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. I love that this pilgrimage is created with Indigenous people leading us! It will take place October 10th- November 14th. There is a charge for this pilgrimage, but discounts are available for groups etc.
Division. Disconnection. Disharmony.
We need another way. The Harmony Way!
October 10 – November 14, 2023

doorway to pilgrimage
From Jamie Noyd:
This year InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is hosting a new digital pilgrimage – Via Divina: The Harmony Way.
Are you feeling exhausted? Tired of another chaotic week? Come be refreshed by God’s shalom and peace as we seek another way of life, the Harmony Way.Walk with Jesus through stories and scripture, in movement and prayer, as we seek God’s good road, the way of harmony. Along the journey, indigenous followers of Jesus from across North America and Hawaii (Turtle Island and Pasifika) will provide a window into God’s shalom and peace by sharing stories and wisdom from their communities.You can participate in these 45-minute audio-guided walks wherever you live, work, or play and whenever it is convenient for you. Include this contemplative walk in your Sabbath or invite a friend to join you in this spiritual practice!
Registration is now open to walk the way of harmony this fall. You can contact Jamie

Join the Pilgrimage!
***Main photo is of Jamie and me, creating a labyrinth at Martyr’s Bay on Iona.
©lillylewin and