FreerangeFriday: Go Back and Wait

by Lilly Lewin
PentecostMafa056 large

By Lilly Lewin

This Sunday, we celebrate the birthday of the Church, Pentecost. The day that the gift promised by Jesus fell upon his followers gathered in the upper room. They had returned to Jerusalem to wait and pray.

So they went back to Jerusalem. Those Followers who watched Jesus ascend into the clouds.

They actually listened to Jesus and his command.

They went back to Jerusalem.

They went back to that upper room that was so special, so sacred and so familiar and normal.
But they had to wait…
They had to receive …
They returned to their friends and shared the story
They waited and they prayed.

All before they could go out again and share the Light .
All before they could go make disciples around the globe.

Jesus is telling us there’s so much more…
We just need to wait and see!
We don’t need to run ahead of Him!
Instead, we need to wait on Him.
We need to seek Jesus in prayer, in the scripture, in silence and solitude and we need to experience Him in nature.
And we need to receive his gift of the Holy Spirit so our cups, our lives, can be filled
And then we can pour out his love to those around us!

Take time to wait today.

Take time to allow the wind of the Spirit to refill you.

Get outside and stand in the wind and imagine the power of God flowing through you and over you!

Pause, Breathe, Be Still, Be Filled!
Use this breath prayer to help you pause.
Use this breath prayer to help you receive the Holy Spirit.

Pray this Breath Prayer:
(sit down somewhere comfortable and relax your muscles.
Take a few deep breaths, roll your shoulders and relax your neck and breathe)
Breathe in God’s Peace
Exhale your fear
Breathe in God’s Spirit
Exhale conflict
Breathe in God’s Peace
Exhale confusion
Breathe in God’s Spirit
Exhale unforgiveness for others
Breathe in God’s Peace
Exhale unforgiveness for yourself
Breathe in God’s Spirit
Allow The Spirit to fill you with new life, new mission and
New hope for the days to come.
Breathe deeply and allow God’s Spirit to fill you.
Breathe, Rest. Be with God.

So I will go back to Jerusalem.

I will Wait and Receive….The Helper, The Advocate, The Counselor, The Teacher, The Power that is the Spirit of God.

You might need to talk to Jesus today about what you are waiting for and how you feel about waiting. We aren’t good at it usually. We get impatient and want to run ahead. We want to fix the problem or just have it go away. As you prepare to celebrate the season of Pentecost. Take time to wait with Jesus. Take time to notice the wind. Take time to receive new gifts from the Holy Spirit. Don’t be afraid to wait on the Gift!

©lillylewin and

Paintinge…Pentecost by Jesus Mafa



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