FreerangeFriday: Experiencing the Beauty of God

by Lilly Lewin
iona beach

by Lilly Lewin


A friend asked me what I got out of my pilgrimage to Iona in May. Actually, I am still processing this.

But I do know that I needed to be away from the craziness of America and it’s gun violence. I needed to be in a place of beauty with creative people. One of my thinplaces is ART and creativity. I needed time to create art .


me and anne creating art in iona

iona art


I needed to see water and mountains and all the wonderful colors of creation. I really do experience Jesus outside in Nature. I met Jesus at camp in the mountains of North Carolina when I was eleven years old and experienced more of him on retreats out in the country and the wild with my youth group in jr. high and high school .

Places of beauty truly feed my soul. As Kathy Escobar says, #beautyheals. I truly believe this to be true.

Where have you experienced the beauty of God lately? Take time to be thankful!

How can you plan time in this season ( summer or winter depending upon your hemisphere) to spend more time in beauty and in places where you experience joy…in your thinplace? The Thinplace is the place where you feel God’s pleasure.

One of the ways I know that God exists is that there are so many colors in the world. From weeds and wild flowers, to clouds and waves, the spectrum of colors is dazzling! The fact that there are so many gorgeous colors in our world declares loudly of the existence of the Creator.

Take a walk outside or even just look around where you are notice all the different colors.

Watch the sunrise or the sunset and notice how many different colors you see.

iona wildflower

iona wildflower 2

What things help you know that God exists?

“Lord of Mystery, let us feel your presence a the very heart of life, and see and find you in the depth of everyday things. “ Louis Espinal Jesuit Priest murdered in Bolivia

Lord of Life
We celebrate your countless gifts,
In days and nights,
In rainbows and rain,
In touch, dream, and smile,
In partners who love,
In kids who cuddle,
In grannies who listen,
In friends who care,
In dogs that lick,
In hands that sew,
In food on the table;
Yet above all,
In your coming among us,
Walking our roads,
Calling our names,
Enfolding our lives,
Inviting us home. AMEN

by Peter Millar in the Iona Prayer Book


IMG 4691


Two ways to experience pilgrimage and the beauty of God….

1. Pete Greig of 24/7 prayer is on a pilgrimage from Iona to Lindesfarne and he is posting everyday
There is a phone app Lectio365 that is a great prayer tool/resource and that you can follow along on instagram or follow on Facebook. @pete.greig on instagram


2. Join me on Pilgrimage (still a couple of spots for this!)  AUGUST 28-Sept 4th 2023  to Scotland…starting in Oban and going to Iona from August 30.  Finding Your Thinplace Retreat Pilgrimage


Listen to this song and experience the wonder of Creation!

©lillylewin and

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