FreerangeFriday: Art is my thinplace!

by Lilly Lewin
iona art

By Lilly Lewin

Happy Feast Day of St. Francis from the Isle of Iona! I have been on a personal pilgrimage on an art retreat with Wild at Art Scotland this week and my cup is overflowing! It has been a glorious week of creativity, beauty, walking, wondering, and taking time to notice the colors of the Island. Color speaks to me! It’s the thing I notice first, followed by contrasts and textures.  I love this workshop because it’s led by the amazing Scottish artist, Janet Melrose. Janet is one of those kindred spirist who listens and allows the people who show up and the gifts present to direct the way the course goes. She brings loads of ideas and resources and supplies but then sees where the Spirit leads us. It’s always wonderful to see the different styles of art that each participant brings. We are enriched by one another. We learn and are inspired as we create beside one another. Even though this is not, a quote, spiritual retreat, we have had ” great church” as far as I’m concerned! and the Holy Spirit is always active and moving! We received so many gifts and God surprises along the way!

One of those surprises was finding this quote from Christine Valters Paintner:

“Art-making as pilgrimage helps us to understand the arts a process of discovery about ourselves and about God. “

The Soul of a Pilgrim…Christine Valters Paintner

As much as I talk and write about, and go on pilgrimage, I hadn’t really considered the act of creating art as a pilgrimage!!

” One of the metaphors I use in teaching the expressive arts is pilgrimage. On a pilgrimage, as in art-making, we take a journey to encourage the sacred within ourselves in a more intimate way. “

The Soul of a Pilgrim…Christine Valters Paintner

I’m not sure why I never noticed this before! I’d never thought about the art making process as a pilgrimage!  Making art is a spiritual practice for me. It is how I connect with myself and with God. Making art gets me out of my head and into myself and helps me process emotions and express myself in the world. I was the kid who drew on every welcome card and envelope in the church pew back in the days before kid’s bulletins! I know that have been creating art since I was five. But only began calling myself an artist again at age 40! When I discovered the wonderful concept of thinplaces…I realized that ART IS MY THINPLACE!  Art making is how I pray and how I process, it’s how I worship and wonder. It truly is how I connect and feel close to myself and God.

Have you discovered your perrson thinplace yet?

Where do you feel God’s pleasure?

Where do you feel most connected to God, to the Holy?

What are you doing, Where are you when you feel most alive, most yourself, most at peace?

THAT IS YOUR PERSONAL THINPLACE! And we all need to give ourselves permission to go there and do the thing or things that bring us JOY and help us feel God’s pleasure ( just like Eric Liddle in Chariots of Fire)!

art of iona 1

art of iona

I invite you to take time to discover your thinplace this week. Bake, Create, Walk, Wander, Read, Rest, Be Still and let God surprise you!

Iona is physical thinplace, and art is one of my personal thinplaces.  I am so grateful for this week of refreshment. It’s been a wonderful gift! Now it’s how to get all the art back in the suitcase!

find your thinplace mug

1 find your thinplace

Learn more about your own thinplace and come experience a thinplace Finding Your Thinplace Pilgrimage to Iona Sept. 1-9, 2025! Only 12 spots! Give yourself the gift of a pilgrimage and reconnect with yourself and God!

©lillylewin and

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