Angels and Invitations…
The birth of Jesus and the season of Advent are both invitations…An Invitation into the story of God with us, God coming to this planet, in person. In real flesh. God moving into our neighborhood. And not into a palace or a high rise penthouse, but Emmanuel, God with us came to the lowly, regular folks. He was born into the mess of animals and poor people and placed in a feeding trough on the first night of his arrival. Jesus arrives with a herald of angels inviting the lowly shepherds to come and see the wonder of God with us!
The season of Advent is the beginning of the new Church Year and and invitation to prepare our hears for the birth of Jesus.
Even before this birth…there were invitations…sent by angels.
The question is, would these invitations be opened and accepted?
Or would those they invited, would you and I, be too busy, or too unbelieving or too put off by the mystery to accept?
The first Invitation comes to a couple who’ve waiting for a very long time for a deep felt prayer to be answered.
They have prayed and wept and felt the pain of no word, no clear answer from God…at least not yet.
So often God invites us to wait.
God often invites us to trust that God knows our hearts and knows what is really going on in us and around us.
Some times this is very uncomfortable.

Zacharius and Elizbeth by JamesTissot
LUKE 1 : 5-25 First Nations
It was in the time of the bad-hearted Chief Looks Brave (Herod), who ruled the territory of the Land of Promise (Judea), that Creator chose to send a powerful spirit-messenger to Sacred Village of Peace (Jerusalem), to a holy man whose name was Creator Will Remember (Zechariah).
He and his wife, Creator Is My Promise (Elizabeth), were both descended from the tribe the ceremonial holy people are chosen from. They were in good standing in the eyes of the Great Spirit, and with good and pure hearts they walked a straight path, staying true to the tribal ways and traditions given them by the Great Spirit.They lived in the hill country in the Land of Promise (Judea) of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel). But Creator Is My Promise (Elizabeth) was unable to have children, and both were growing old.
Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) belonged to the clan of He Is My Father (Abijah), which shared the responsibility of prayers and ceremonies in the Great Spirit’s ceremonial lodge that was in Village of Peace (Jerusalem).9He was chosen in the traditional way to be the one to enter the sacred lodge and perform the sweet-smelling smoke ceremony for the evening prayer.
Most holy men could only hope for this honor once in a lifetime.
10A large number of people gathered outside to pray while he went inside.11As the smoke went up with his prayers, suddenly a spirit-messenger from the Great Spirit appeared to him, standing to the right of the altar of sweet-smelling smoke. 12Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) was troubled when he saw the spirit-messenger. He trembled with fear that covered him like a blanket.
13“Do not fear!” the messenger said to him. “Your prayers have been heard. The Maker of Life will give you and your wife a son. You will give him the name Gift of Goodwill (John). 14He will bring great joy to you, and many people will be glad that he has been born.”The aroma of the sweet-smelling smoke filled the sacred lodge as the spirit- messenger continued.
15“He will be great and honorable in Creator’s sight and will not drink wine or any strong drink, but will drink deeply of the Holy Spirit even in his mother’s womb. Because of him many of the children of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel) will find the good road and return to the Great Spirit and his ways.”
Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) stood silently. His whole being continued to tremble as the messenger finished.
17“He will prepare the way for the Chosen One, walking in the same spiritual powers of the prophet Great Spirit Is Creator (Elijah). He will turn the hearts of many fathers back toward their children, and many rebellious children will again honor the wisdom of their elders, so that people will be ready to participate in Creator’s plan.”
When the spirit-messenger finished speaking, his words echoed through the lodge. Still trembling, Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) finally found his voice.
18Then he questioned the messenger, “We are too old to have children. How can I believe you?”
19The spirit-messenger answered, “My name is Creator’s Mighty One (Gabriel), his chief messenger. I stand close to the Great Spirit! These good words I have spoken to you will come to pass, but since you did not believe my words, you will not be able to speak until they are fulfilled.”
21The people who were praying outside began to wonder why it was taking so long for Creator Will Remember (Zechariah) to come out of the lodge. 22When he finally came out, unable to speak and making signs with his hands, they understood that he had seen a vision.
23When his traditional ceremonies were finished, he returned to his home in the hill country. 24Soon afterward, Creator Is My Promise (Elizabeth) was with child. She stayed at home and for five moons did not show herself to anyone.She said in her heart, “The Giver of Breath has looked upon me with kindness and has taken away my shame. Now I will have respect in the eyes of my people.”
Zachariah and Elizabeth had been waiting for a child all their lives. Elizabeth was barren, a cultural taboo in those times. And a painful reality for both of them and for many even now. When the angel announces that the couple will conceive, Zechariah, in the temple itself, in the very presence of an angel (actually THE angel Gabriel) flat out disbelieves this invitation!
Zachariah declares this is impossible since he and his wife are too old.
And this disbelief, this unbelief, leaves him rendered speechless…. For NINE MONTHS!
He isn’t allowed to speak until the baby is born…
Zechariah must wait over nine months to have a voice again!
Why was it was so hard for Zachariah to believe the angel? Why is it hard for you to believe right now?
Maybe like me you are frustrated by the actions of others or the election results. Maybe your life hasn’t turned out like you imagined or planned. Maybe you’ve waited years and still don’t have an answer to your faithful prayers.
One thing I notice in this passage….both Elizabeth and Zachariah were faithful despite their pain. Despite their desires going unfulfilled. They were living for and serving God and Elizabeth was more open to the invitation than Zach.
What invitations from the Holy Spirit have you noticed lately?
Maybe you haven’t been visited by an angel, but maybe it’s been through friends, or a book, a podcast, or while you were outside on a walk… you noticed something stirring in you.
What has God been nudging you to notice?
What invitations have you been avoiding? Why? Are you willing to open the invitation from God this Advent? Even if it’s an invitation to wait for God to act on your behalf?
Remember, You are not TOO OLD for Jesus to birth something new in your life! You are not TOO OLD for new life to happen, new things to be created through you!.
God is INVITING you this Advent season to be open to the surprise! To open the invitation of trusting in God’s timing and love and intimate knowledge of you and your heart’s desires.
Your are deeply loved. You are beloved and You are invited by the Creator of the Universe.
ACTION: Create an INVITATION for can be a simple card or even a post it note you put somewhere you will see it every day. Or you can get crafty and create something more elaborate as your Advent Invitation from Jesus…Let the physical invitation remind you to be open to the Holy Spirit’s invitations this Advent season and allow Jesus to surprise you. You might even keep a list inside the invitation you create of all the things you notice, all the gifts from God, all the ways you’ve been invited this Advent.
You are Invited to Scotland….I’m leading a pilgrimage to Iona next year…Sept 1-9, 2025! Finding Your Thinplace in a thinplace!
©lillylewin and