By Lilly Lewin
What does God’s love look like? When you think of God’s love, what comes to mind?
Maybe Sunsets, a bank of beautiful clouds, the ocean, children laughing, your best friend’s smile, your family, or maybe your puppy or cat welcoming you home? What do you think of when you think of the Love of God? What are the feelings and emotions that arise? Have you ever taken the time to consider what God’s love really looks like to you personally?
Sunsets represent God’s love to me! I am a visual learner so I love taking pictures with my phone. I love capturing the beauty of nature! Nature always reminds me of God’s love and faithfulness.
What are the visual reminders that God loves you? What does God’s love look like to you?
Take some time this weekend to consider what God’s love looks like. You can get your whole family involved. You can use your phones to capture photos of what God’s love looks like, or you can draw pictures, or create a collage of pictures that represent God’s love to you. Take time to share them with your roommate, your friends, or family. You might even text them to a friend as reminder of how much God loves them. 
I am curating a Sacred Space prayer room next week in Kansas City and one of the prayer stations involves a Viso Divina reflection on photos of “What God’s Love looks like….” Participants will sit down and watch a slide show of various photos of what God’s Love Looks Like and consider God’s great love for each of them. I am still looking for images for the slide show so if you’d like to play along I’d love you to send me a pic to and you can tag it on instagram too! #GodslovelookslikeYouth2019
Any age can play! Ask your friends, kids, parents, grandparents! I’d love to see what God’s love looks like to you! Just know that as the curator, I will have the final decision on what works for our theme & audience.
Even if you don’t send in a selection, for your own spritual practice, pause, breathe and absorb God’s great love for you and spend some time in wonder of all the amazing ways God’s love is exhibited in your world!
©lillylewin and The photos above all represent God’s love to me. the last photo is of my husband and me at Goat Rock on the Sonoma Coast in California. It was taken by my good friend DG Hollums.