Freerange Friday: The Cup of Love

by Lilly Lewin

By Lilly Lewin

Sometimes we need a reminder that we are truly loved! Especially when the world around us seems so crazy and out of control. We need the reminder that God is in control and that God loves us. To go along with my desire to fall more in love with Jesus between now and Easter, I am praying with my coffee cup.  This is a Lenten Prayer Practice that anyone can do.  All you need is a CUP!
For the next 40 + days use a cup to remind you that you are greatly Loved by God! Just as you are! Right this Minute!

Choose a CUP with a heart, or “i love you,” or some other saying of deep affection on it. I got mine at Target a few years back & found some cute ones at Dollar Tree last week. It can be a coffee mug or a drinking glass. My friend Jennifer Ruggles got her kids plastic tumblers that they can use throughout the Lenten season to remind them that Jesus loves them.
Use this CUP for your morning coffee, tea, your toothbrush holder, or even for pencils/pens on your desk at work!

Each day hold your cup and Receive the Gift of Love.
Allow Jesus to fill you with his love & joy!
Pause and allow that to soak in.
Ask Jesus to help you receive that love all day.
Next, consider how you can pour out God’s Love to other people.
How can you share Love, Joy & Hope & Compassion with people you cross paths with daily? Consider tangible ways to show that Love and Compassion.

Remember that this is a Practice so it takes Practice!
Don’t beat yourself up if you forget or if it’s just too hard some days. Let the CUP remind you to receive love & grace! And let the Cup help you fall more in love with Jesus between now and Easter.
I’d love to hear how this Practice goes for you!
and a belated Happy Valentine’s Day too!

Find more Lenten Resources at

And you might like the great devotional that is the original Prayer book on praying with cups The Cup of our Life by Joyce Rupp

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