By Andy Wade – Resurrection is all well and good, but what does it mean for my neighborhood? That may sound a bit irreverent, but that thought kept running through my…
By Mary Harwell Sayler – Exodus 34:6-7: “The Lord passed in front of him and proclaimed: ‘The Lord! The Lord! God who is compassionate and merciful, very patient, full of great loyalty and faithfulness, showing…
By Jenneth Graser – So many conflicting messages worldwide, so much on the news, images of terror, violence, political upheaval and conspiracies. Recent news of a local murder in a nearby…
By Kathie Hempel – In the famous line from the 1980’s movie 9 to 5, Dolly Parton chastises, “get off of the cross we; need the wood.” While rather irreverent, the…
by Christine Sine – It is a week since Easter Sunday. We have celebrated the resurrection and now it seems we are back to life as usual. Just as the disciples returned to…
By Andy Wade – Our Lenten journey is over. We’ve navigated the dark places and walked through the events of Holy Week. We have seen the resurrection. After waiting 40 days…
By Nils Von Kalm God’s Gift to a Broken World We live in a world of immense suffering, and whether we call ourselves Christian or not, we are often faced…
By Lynne Baab Did you know that in many times and places in Christian history, Easter has been viewed as a season, not just a day? The Easter season goes…
by Christine Sine It is the day after Easter and I sit here in the glow of the resurrection, immersed in its joy and surrounded by its celebration. It is…
By Ana Lisa De Jong It’s always amazing to me how each Resurrection Sunday I am affected anew, freshly struck with the wonder of Easter Sunday, as though I am…
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