This year’s Advent video is inspired by Isaiah 30:18 So the Lord must wait for for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. One of the…
This morning I am sick at heart. The killing of Eric Garner, the ongoing cries for justice in Ferguson, the continuing ebola epidemic in Africa all wrench my heart and make…
Where to begin? Perhaps with our neighbor Çiğdem in our entry. “Çok güzel bu beşik! Ama, Momi, neden burada?” Good question. Why would I have an old handmade cradle parked…
Every year my good friend Mark Pierson in New Zealand sends me his Advent in Art cards which I await with great anticipation. They are written for the spiritual nurture…
Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God (Isaiah 40:1) Alexandra Bircken’s site-specific installation Deflated Bodies in the Hepworth Gallery, Wakefield, forms part of her Eskalation 2014 exhibition. As Curator Eleanor Clayton says: “Five ladders…
Advent has begun. Some of us have decorated our Christmas trees and assembled our nativity sets. This year I have found it rather challenging. Kenneth Bailey’s imagery in Jesus Through Middle…
Last year we produced a series of podcasts on the theme Coming Home Uncovering our roots in the Advent story. I enjoyed these so much that I have been listening…
Scripture readings: Isaiah 64:1-9; Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19; 1 Corinthians1:3-9; Mark 13:24-27 Opening Prayer Here we are again, Lord, your children at your feet. May this be a blessed time, a…
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