Three Seasonal Virtual Retreats with Christine Sine

by Christine Sine

We are excited to offer three virtual retreats with Christine Sine in the next few months.

In Rhythms and Seasons, on September 2, join Christine Sine as we move towards the end of the year when life gets busier and busier until December has most of us living at a frenetic pace. But that’s not the way God intends us to live and now is the time to establish a new rhythm for our lives. In this retreat we will learn to make space for God and discover the Christ-like pace that liberates us from a culture enslaved by time.

Jesus said: “Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matt 11: 29,30 The Message)

Jesus exhibited a way of life that flowed between work and rest, solitude and community, feasting and fasting. We will explore these rhythms that governed Jesus life and learn to use them to connect more intimately to God.

Through reflection, contemplation, and creative explorations, Christine Sine, will assist you to rediscover God’s sustainable rhythms that provide balance between work and rest, effort and waiting, doing and not doing. Using the seasons of the year and the liturgical pattern of life they gave birth to we will explore how to reconnect our lives to God’s patterns and the practices that should undergird them.

Then for A Season of Gratitude on October 14, as we enter the gratitude season between Canadian Thanksgiving and American Thanksgiving, join Christine as she encourages you to enter into the practice of gratitude in this interactive retreat that will help us enter this season of gratitude with joy and delight in our hearts. It will be a fun time of interaction, creativity, and reflection.

Gratitude should be a part of our life every day, yet we all suffer from a gratitude gap. We need to take time to intentionally give thanks.  What could we transform from unpleasant to enjoyable by a change in attitude? How do we approach the world with gratitude and delight at all times? How do we find joy in the midst of the most challenging situations? These are some of the questions we grapple with as we look ahead to the changing seasons. What about you?

Christine will encourage you to enter into the practice of gratitude in this interactive retreat that will help us enter this season of gratitude with joy and delight in our hearts. It will be a fun time of interaction, creativity, and reflection.

Finally for An Advent Day of Quiet on December 9, join Christine for a morning of scripture reading and quiet reflection that will be for many of us a much needed oasis of quiet in the midst of this chaotic season.

The Advent season is meant to be a time of waiting, a time for quiet reflection and contemplation, yet for most of us it is the busiest season of the year. Unless we intentionally set aside time for quiet and reflection it doesn’t happen. Often without the encouragement of others it is impossible.

You can sign up for each retreat singly, or if you prefer, we are offering savings on purchasing all three retreats at once.

These links go to pages where you can register and pay for each retreat, or for all three at a discount!
Small rhythms & seasons

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small advent day

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