Breathe Deeply, Inhale the Eternal Breath.

by Christine Sine

by Christine Sine

I first posted this prayer a couple of years ago and it is still one of my favorites. I used it as the prayer for one of the reflections in Rest in the Moment– which can be downloaded from the Godspace store  or purchased from Amazon. I also love the meditation that I put together in conjunction with it and have found myself enjoying the sound of water and the words I wrote once more.

One thing my life coach suggested a couple of years ago is that I reward my weekly progress with a fun project that energizes and renews me. This project was one such project and I always feel that something like this is a God given gift to me and hopefully to others too.

I hope you enjoy it too. I suggest that you sit still, close your eyes and allow the sound of the words and the running water in the background to sooth your spirit.

I deliberately did not include the words on this video as it is intended to encourage us to relax into the presence of God, something which is more challenging when we read along as our focus is on the words rather than on God.

However for those who want to use the meditation as a focus for more prolonged meditation here is the text:

Sit still, breathe deeply,
Inhale the eternal breath.
Imagine it rushing into your lungs.
Absorb it into your bloodstream,
Allow it to course through your entire being.
Through the life giving heartbeat of God,
See it infused into every cell in your body.
Sit still, breathe deeply,
Plant your feet firmly
On the earth beneath your feet.
The earth from which you are made,
Uniquely shaped by your Master’s hands.
The earth, this rich and fertile gift from God,
For which we are responsible, caretakers, preservers,
Stewards of God’s good creation.
The earth, beginning and end of all life,
The place to which we will return,
Dust to dust, ashes to ashes.
Sit still, breathe deeply,
Lift your hands towards heaven,
Sense the eternal presence,
Above, beneath, behind, before.
Let God’s holy love flow through you,
Filling your heart,
Nourishing your soul,
Renewing your spirit.
Sit still, breathe deeply,
Calm your spirit.
Listen in the silence
To the gentle whisper of God’s voice
Let it call you
To inner wholeness and outer response.
Let it equip you with footsteps of peace,
Love, compassion caring, generosity and justice.
Sit still, breathe deeply,
Let the ever present, everlasting, never failing One
Abide in you

For more breathing prayers check out this post –

Sit Still Breathe Deeply 

Meditation Monday – Finding Breathing Room For Your Soul

May Our Souls Stay In Rhythm With Eternal Breath

God Breathe Life

Breathe In The Fragrance of God

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